Tag Archives: stay in school

More Vacation Time Please

I have been out of college and working a 9-5 corporate job for a number of years now. I remember when I first graduated and got a job, the process of working full time kind of shocked my system. Don’t get me wrong, college was tough, what with the exams and the loads of homework, but college was also fun. Some days I had no class, or just one class. On those days, I’d come home, work on some homework for a couple of hours, but then I had the entire rest of the day to do whatever I wanted AND I could stay up as late as I wanted. The schedule was so lax. Not to mention, you get loads of vacation time. And you never realize how lucky you are until you graduate. I remember complaining about the homework and the tough exams and the annoying professors. Looking back, I wish I could tell my college self to enjoy it and stay in as long as possible. Those “super Seniors” really had the right idea. Stay in school as long as you can kids. Even change your major a couple times if you have to. Continue reading

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